Confession 2.4 | KJV
The vanity of my thoughts, their neglect of those things which they ought to be conversant with and dwelling upon those things that are unworthy of them and tend to corrupt my mind.
Every imagination of the thoughts of my heart is evil, only evil, and that continually, Genesis 6:5(KJV) and it has been so from my youth. Genesis 8:21(KJV)
O how long have those vain thoughts lodged within me! Jeremiah 4:14(KJV) those thoughts of foolishness which are sin! Proverbs 24:9(KJV) From within, out of the heart, proceed evil thoughts; Matthew 15:19(KJV) which devise mischief upon the bed, Micah 2:1(KJV) and carry the heart with the fool’s eyes into the ends of the earth. Proverbs 17:24(KJV)
But God is not in all my thoughts; Psalm 10:4(KJV) it is well if he be in any. Of the Rock that begat me, I have been unmindful and have forgotten the God that formed me: Deuteronomy 32:18(KJV) I have forgotten him days without number, Jeremiah 2:32(KJV) and my heart has walked after vanity and become vain. Jeremiah 2:5(KJV) My inward thought having been that my house should continue for ever; Psalm 49:11(KJV) this my way is my folly. Psalm 49:13(KJV)
The carnality of my affections, their being placed upon wrong objects and carried beyond due bounds.
I have set my affection on things beneath, which should have been set on things above, where my treasure is, Matthew 6:21(KJV) and where Christ sits on the right hand of God, Colossians 3:1-2(KJV) the things which I should seek.
I have followed after lying vanities and forsaken my own mercies; Jonah 2:8(KJV) have forsaken the fountain of living waters, for cisterns, broken cisterns that can hold no water. Jeremiah 2:13(KJV)
I have panted after the dust of the earth, Amos 2:7(KJV) and have been full of care what I shall eat and what I shall drink and wherewithal I shall be clothed, the things after which the Gentiles seek, and the righteousness thereof. Matthew 6:31-33(KJV)
I have lifted up my soul unto vanity, Psalm 24:4(KJV) and set my eyes upon that which is not; have looked at the things that are seen, which are temporal, but the things that are eternal have been forgotten and postponed. 2 Corinthians 4:18(KJV)