Thanksgiving 4.13 | NASB
For the early and ancient indication of the gracious design concerning fallen man.
I bless You that as soon as man had sinned, it was graciously promised that the seed of the woman should break the serpent’s head; Genesis 3:15(NASB) and that in the Old Testament sacrifices, Jesus Christ was the lamb slain from the foundation of the world. Revelation 13:8(NASB)
And that by faith the men of old, though they did not receive what was promised, Hebrews 11:39(NASB) gained approval; Hebrews 11:2(NASB) for they obtained the testimony that they were righteous. Hebrews 11:4(NASB)
I bless You for the promise made to Abraham, that in his seed all the families of the earth would be blessed; Genesis 12:3(NASB) and to Jacob, that the Shiloh would come, and to Him would be the obedience of the peoples; Genesis 49:10(NASB) and that the Patriarchs rejoiced to see Christ’s day, and they saw it and were glad. John 8:56(NASB)