Why Read A Method for Prayer?

Resorting to a more scriptural pattern of prayer may be a simple (but profound) answer to many problems in our practice of prayer. There are a number of reasons that could be given as to why Christians should "Pray the Bible," but the ones below combine to make a rather convincing argument:

1Praying scripturally will teach us what prayer is, even while we do it.
2It will correct “shopping list” views of prayer which abound in the Christian community.
3It will begin to solve in our own minds the question of “unanswered prayer.”
4It will remind us of just how much there is to pray about day by day.
5It will teach us of the extreme urgency of prayer.
6It will return proportion to prayers long on petition, but short on adoration, confession, and thanksgiving.
7It will instruct us how best to pray for ministers, missionaries, and one another.
8It will show us the proper way to approach God in prayer.
9It will remind us of the good things that God does for us (which we, more often than not, take for granted).
10It will remind us to always give thanks to God (which, paradoxically, is so important for our own assurance of His faithfulness in answering prayer).
11It will begin to engrave in our minds biblical patterns of thought which can help immunize us from the enticing folly of the world’s view of life.
12It will force us to rehearse the solemn warnings and precious promises of God (which will do eternal good to our souls).
13It will move us from our inherent man-centeredness in prayer to a biblical, God-centered way of praying.

The aim of the online publication of this “old-made-new” monograph is to assist and encourage modern Christians in both public and private prayer. Surely we all recognize that the Church of our day, at least in the West, is weak in the way of prayer. Few of us, perhaps, understand what prayer really is. We do not pray often. We do not pray with scriptural proportion, nor does our prayer much reflect the language and thought of the Bible. We do not pray fervently. Although we claim otherwise, maybe we really do not believe in prayer!

For those who are called upon to lead the Church in public prayer, or who simply desire to be more faithful and competent in their own private petitions, a scriptural manner of praying provides the order, proportion, and variety which should characterize all our prayers. We have aimed to provide users with a number of helps to assist in achieving this end. The core of the website is the entire text of Matthew Henry’s A Method for Prayer. Reading and re-reading through it will train the Christian in the use of biblical truth and language in prayer.

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