KJV First Person Method for Prayer

Acknowledge the Great Evil of Sin, its Unprofitableness and Deceitfulness

Confession 2.13 | KJV

The unprofitableness of sin.

I have sinned and perverted that which was right, and it profited me not. Job 33:27(KJV)

What fruit have I now in these things whereof I have cause to be ashamed, seeing the end of those things is death? Romans 6:21(KJV) And what am I profited, if I should gain the whole world and lose my own soul? Matthew 16:26(KJV)

The deceitfulness of sin.

Sin hath deceived me, and by the commandment slain me; Romans 7:11(KJV) for my heart has been hardened through the deceitfulness of sin, Hebrews 3:13(KJV) and I have been drawn away of my own lust and enticed. James 1:14(KJV)

It has promised me liberty, but has made me the servant of corruption; 2 Peter 2:19(KJV) hath promised me that I shall not surely die and that I shall be as a god, Genesis 3:4-5(KJV) but it has flattered me and spread a net for my feet. Proverbs 29:5(KJV)

The pride of my heart, particularly, has deceived me. Obadiah 1:3(KJV)

ESV First Person Method for Prayer

Acknowledge the Great Evil of Sin, its Unprofitableness and Deceitfulness

Confession 2.13 | ESV

The unprofitableness of sin.

I have sinned and perverted what was right, and it did not profit me. Job 33:27(KJV)

What fruit am I getting from the things of which I am now ashamed? For the end of those things is death. Romans 6:21(ESV) And what am I profited if I should gain the whole world and forfeit my own soul? Matthew 16:26(ESV)

The deceitfulness of sin.

Sin has deceived me, and through the commandment killed me; Romans 7:11(ESV) for my heart has been hardened by the deceitfulness of sin, Hebrews 3:13(ESV) and I have been lured and enticed by my own desire. James 1:14(ESV)

It has promised me freedom, but has made me the slave of corruption; 2 Peter 2:19(ESV) has promised me that I shall not surely die and that I shall be like God, Genesis 3:4-5(ESV) but it has flattered me and spread a net for my feet. Proverbs 29:5(ESV)

The pride of my heart, particularly, has deceived me. Obadiah 1:3(ESV)

Method for Prayer NASB First Person

Acknowledge the Great Evil of Sin, its Sinfulness and Foolishness

Confession 2.12 | NASB

I must acknowledge the great evil that there is in sin, and in my sin; the malignity of its nature, and its mischievousness to me.

The sinfulness of sin.

O that sin may be shown to be sin to me, may be shown in its true colors; and that by the commandment I may see it to be utterly sinful, Romans 7:13(NASB) because it is lawlessness. 1 John 3:4(NASB)

By every willful sin I have in effect said, “I do not want this man to reign over me.” Luke 19:14(NASB) And, “Who is the LORD that I should obey His voice?” Exodus 5:2(NASB) And thus I have blasphemed the LORD, Numbers 15:30(NASB) and cast His laws behind my back. Nehemiah 9:26(NASB)

The foolishness of sin.

O God, You know my folly, and my wrongs are not hidden from You. Psalm 69:5(NASB) I was foolish in being disobedient, Titus 3:3(NASB) and my desires are foolish and harmful. 1 Timothy 6:9(NASB)

Foolishness was bound up in my heart when I was a child; Proverbs 22:15(NASB) for though vain man would be wise, he is born like the foal of a wild donkey. Job 11:12(KJV)

My way has been foolish, Psalm 49:13(NASB) and in many instances I have acted very foolishly. 2 Samuel 24:10(NASB)

I have been senseless and ignorant, even like a beast before God. Psalm 73:22(NASB)

Method for Prayer NIV First Person

Acknowledge the Great Evil of Sin, its Sinfulness and Foolishness

Confession 2.12 | NIV

I must acknowledge the great evil that there is in sin, and in my sin; the malignity of its nature, and its mischievousness to me.

The sinfulness of sin.

O that sin might be recognized as sin to me and appear in its own colors; and that through the commandment I might see it to be utterly sinful, Romans 7:13(NIV) because it is lawlessness. 1 John 3:4(NIV)

By every willful sin I have in effect said, “I don’t want this man to be my king.” Luke 19:14(NIV) And, “Who is the LORD, that I should obey him?” Exodus 5:2(NIV) And thus have I blasphemed the LORD, Numbers 15:30(NIV) and put his law behind my back. Nehemiah 9:26(NIV)

The foolishness of sin.

You know my folly, O God; and my guilt is not hidden from you. Psalm 69:5(NIV) I was foolish in being disobedient, Titus 3:3(NIV) and my desires are foolish and harmful. 1 Timothy 6:9(NIV)

Folly was bound up in my heart when I was a child; Proverbs 22:15(NIV) for though vain man would be wise, he is born like the wild donkey’s colt. Job 11:12(KJV)

My way has been my folly, Psalm 49:13(KJV) and in many instances I have done very foolishly. 2 Samuel 24:10(NIV)

I have been senseless and ignorant, and even as a brute beast before God. Psalm 73:22(NIV)

KJV First Person Method for Prayer

Acknowledge the Great Evil of Sin, its Sinfulness and Foolishness

Confession 2.12 | KJV

I must acknowledge the great evil that there is in sin, and in my sin; the malignity of its nature, and its mischievousness to me.

The sinfulness of sin.

O that sin may appear sin to me, may appear in its own colours; and that by the commandment I may see it to be exceeding sinful, Romans 7:13(KJV) because it is the transgression of the law. 1 John 3:4(KJV)

By every willful sin I have in effect said, I will not have this man to reign over me. Luke 19:14(KJV) And, Who is the Lord, that I should obey his voice? Exodus 5:2(KJV) And thus have I reproached the Lord, Numbers 15:30(KJV) and cast his laws behind my back. Nehemiah 9:26(KJV)

The foolishness of sin.

O God, thou knowest my foolishness, and my sins are not hid from thee. Psalm 69:5(KJV) I was foolish in being disobedient, Titus 3:3(KJV) and my lusts are foolish and hurtful. 1 Timothy 6:9(KJV)

Foolishness was bound up in my heart when I was a child; Proverbs 22:15(KJV) for though vain man would be wise, he is born like the wild ass’s colt. Job 11:12(KJV)

My way hath been my folly, Psalm 49:13(KJV) and in many instances I have done foolishly. 2 Samuel 24:10(KJV)

So foolish have I been and ignorant, and even as a beast before God. Psalm 73:22(KJV)

ESV First Person Method for Prayer

Acknowledge the Great Evil of Sin, its Sinfulness and Foolishness

Confession 2.12 | ESV

We must acknowledge the great evil that there is in sin, and in our sin; the malignity of its nature, and its mischievousness to us.

The sinfulness of sin.

O that sin might be shown to be sin to me and appear in its own colors; and through the commandment may I see it to be sinful beyond measure, Romans 7:13(ESV) because it is lawlessness. 1 John 3:4(ESV)

By every willful sin I have in effect said, “I do not want this man to reign over me.” Luke 19:14(ESV) And, “Who is the LORD, that I should obey his voice?” Exodus 5:2(ESV) And thus have I reviled the LORD, Numbers 15:30(ESV) and cast his law behind my back. Nehemiah 9:26(ESV)

The foolishness of sin.

O God, you know my folly; the wrongs that I have done are not hidden from you. Psalm 69:5(ESV) I was foolish in being disobedient, Titus 3:3(ESV) and my desires are senseless and harmful. 1 Timothy 6:9(ESV)

Folly was bound up in my heart when I was a child; Proverbs 22:15(ESV) for though vain man would be wise, he is born like the wild donkey’s colt. Job 11:12(KJV)

My path has been one of foolish confidence, Psalm 49:13(ESV) and in many instances I have done very foolishly. 2 Samuel 24:10(ESV)

I have been brutish and ignorant, and even like a beast toward God. Psalm 73:22(ESV)

Method for Prayer NIV First Person

Bewail your Sins of the Tongue and Spiritual Sloth

Confession 2.11 | NIV

My tongue sins.

When words are many, sin is not absent; Proverbs 10:19(NIV) nor can a man full of talk be vindicated. Job 11:2(NIV)

While the lips of the righteous nourish many, Proverbs 10:21(NIV) my lips have gushed folly, Proverbs 15:2(NIV) and known what is perverse. Proverbs 10:32(NIV)

Much unwholesome talk has come out of my mouth; that foolish talk and coarse joking, which are out of place, Ephesians 5:4(NIV) and little of that which is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it might benefit those who listen. Ephesians 4:29(NIV)

If men will have to give account for every careless word they have spoken, and if by my words I must be acquitted and by my words I must be condemned, Matthew 12:36-37(NIV) woe to me! I am ruined! For I am of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips. Isaiah 6:5(NIV)

What would become of me, if God should turn my own tongue against me and bring me to ruin? Psalm 64:8(NIV)

My spiritual slothfulness and decay.

I have been lacking in zeal and have not kept my spiritual fervor in serving the Lord. Romans 12:11(NIV)

The things which remain are about to die, and my deeds have not been found complete in the sight of God. Revelation 3:2(NIV)

I have watched the wind, and therefore have not planted; have looked at the clouds, and therefore have not reaped; Ecclesiastes 11:4(NIV) and with the sluggard have frightened myself with the fancy of a lion in the road, a fierce lion roaming the streets, and have turned on my bed as the door on its hinges, Proverbs 26:13-14(NIV) still crying, “A little sleep, a little slumber.” Proverbs 6:10(NIV)

I have lost my first love; Revelation 2:4(NIV) what has happened to all of my joy? Galatians 4:15(NIV)

My love has been like the morning mist, like the early dew that disappears. Hosea 6:4(NIV)

And that which is at the bottom of all is the sinful, unbelieving heart in me, which inclines me to turn away from the living God. Hebrews 3:12(NIV)

Method for Prayer NASB First Person

Bewail your Sins of the Tongue and Spiritual Sloth

Confession 2.11 | NASB

My tongue sins.

In my many words, transgression is unavoidable; Proverbs 10:19(NASB) nor can a talkative man be acquitted. Job 11:2(NASB)

While the lips of the righteous feed many, Proverbs 10:21(NASB) my lips have spouted folly, Proverbs 15:2(NASB) and brought forth what is perverted. Proverbs 10:32(NASB)

Many unwholesome words have proceeded out of my mouth; that silly talk and coarse jesting which are not fitting, Ephesians 5:4(NASB) and little of that which is good and for the use of edification, and which might give grace to those who hear. Ephesians 4:29(NASB)

If for every careless word that people speak they must give an account, and if by my words I must be justified, and by my words I must be condemned, Matthew 12:36-37(NASB) woe to me, for I am ruined; for I am of unclean lips, and live among a people of unclean lips. Isaiah 6:5(NASB)

What would become of me, if God should make my own tongue be against me? Psalm 64:8(NASB)

My spiritual slothfulness and decay.

I have been lagging behind in diligence for religion and not fervent in spirit, serving the Lord. Romans 12:11(NASB)

The things which remain are about to die, and my deeds have not been found completed in the sight of God. Revelation 3:2(NASB)

I have watched the wind, and therefore have not sown; have looked at the clouds, and therefore have not reaped; Ecclesiastes 11:4(NASB) and with the sluggard have frightened myself with the fancy of a lion in the road, a lion in the open square, and have turned on my bed as the door on its hinges, Proverbs 26:13-14(NASB) still crying, “A little sleep, a little slumber.” Proverbs 6:10(NASB)

I have left my first love, Revelation 2:4(NASB) and where now is that sense of blessing I had? Galatians 4:15(NASB)

My loyalty has been like a morning cloud and like the dew which goes away early. Hosea 6:4(NASB)

And that which is at the bottom of all is the evil, unbelieving heart in me, which inclines me to fall away from the living God. Hebrews 3:12(NASB)

KJV First Person Method for Prayer

Bewail your Sins of the Tongue and Spiritual Sloth

Confession 2.11 | KJV

My tongue sins.

In the multitude of my words there wanteth not sin, Proverbs 10:19(KJV) nor can a man full of talk be justified. Job 11:2(KJV)

While the lips of the righteous feed many, Proverbs 10:21(KJV) my lips have poured out foolishness, Proverbs 15:2(KJV) and spoken frowardness. Proverbs 10:32(KJV)

Much corrupt communication hath proceeded out of my mouth; that foolish talking and jesting which is not convenient, Ephesians 5:4(KJV) and little of that which is good and to the use of edifying, and which might minister grace unto the hearers. Ephesians 4:29(KJV)

If for every idle word that men speak they must give an account, and if by my words I must be justified, and if by my words I must be condemned, Matthew 12:36-37(KJV) woe unto me, for I am undone; for I am of unclean lips and dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips. Isaiah 6:5(KJV)

What would become of me, if God should make my own tongue to fall upon me? Psalm 64:8(KJV)

My spiritual slothfulness and decay.

I have been slothful in the business of religion and not fervent in spirit, serving the Lord. Romans 12:11(KJV)

The things which remain are ready to die, and my works have not been found perfect before God. Revelation 3:2(KJV)

I have observed the winds, and therefore have not sown; have regarded the clouds, and therefore have not reaped; Ecclesiastes 11:4(KJV) and with the sluggard have frighted myself with the fancy of a lion in the way, a lion in the streets, and have turned on my bed as the door on the hinges, Proverbs 26:13-14(KJV) still crying, Yet a little sleep and a little slumber. Proverbs 6:10(KJV)

I have lost my first love, Revelation 2:4(KJV) and where is now the blessedness I sometimes spoke of? Galatians 4:15(KJV)

My goodness hath been as the morning cloud and the early dew which soon passeth away. Hosea 6:4(KJV)

And that which is at the bottom of all is the evil heart of unbelief in me, which inclines me to depart from the living God. Hebrews 3:12(KJV)

ESV First Person Method for Prayer

Bewail your Sins of the Tongue and Spiritual Sloth

Confession 2.11 | ESV

Our tongue sins.

When words are many, transgression is not lacking; Proverbs 10:19(ESV) nor can a man full of talk be judged right. Job 11:2(ESV)

While the lips of the righteous feed many, Proverbs 10:21(ESV) my lips have poured out folly, Proverbs 15:2(ESV) and known what is perverse. Proverbs 10:32(ESV)

Much corrupt talk has come out of my mouth; that foolish talking and crude joking, which are out of place, Ephesians 5:4(ESV) and little of that which is good and to the use of building up, and which might give grace to those who hear. Ephesians 4:29(ESV)

If people will give account for every careless word they speak, and if by my words I will be justified and by my words I will be condemned, Matthew 12:36-37(ESV) woe is me! For I am lost; for I am of unclean lips and dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips. Isaiah 6:5(ESV)

What would become of me, if God should make my own tongue turn against me? Psalm 64:8(ESV)

Our spiritual slothfulness and decay.

I have been slothful in zeal for religion and not fervent in spirit, serving the Lord. Romans 12:11(ESV)

The things which remain are about to die, and my works have not been found complete in the sight of God. Revelation 3:2(ESV)

I have observed the winds, and therefore have not sown; have regarded the clouds, and therefore have not reaped; Ecclesiastes 11:4(ESV) and with the sluggard have frightened myself with the fancy of a lion in the road, a lion in the streets, and have turned on my bed as a door on its hinges, Proverbs 26:13-14(ESV) still crying, “A little sleep, a little slumber.” Proverbs 6:10(ESV)

I have lost my first love, Revelation 2:4(ESV) and what then has become of the blessing I felt? Galatians 4:15(ESV)

My love has been like a morning cloud, like the dew that goes early away. Hosea 6:4(ESV)

And that which is at the bottom of all is the evil, unbelieving heart in me, which inclines me to fall away from the living God. Hebrews 3:12(ESV)