Petition 3.29 | NIV
That I may be active and diligent in my duty.
Lord, as long as it is day, quicken me to do the work of him who sent me, because night is coming, when no one can work; John 9:4(NIV) and whatever good my hands find to do, to do it with all my might, for in the grave, where I am going, there is neither working nor knowledge. Ecclesiastes 9:10(NIV)
Lord, grant that I may never be lacking in zeal, but full of spiritual fervor, serving the Lord; Romans 12:11(NIV) that I may stand firm and be moved by nothing, always giving myself fully to the work of the Lord, because I know that my labor in the Lord is not in vain. 1 Corinthians 15:58(NIV)
Lord, make me zealous for good purposes; Galatians 4:18(NIV) and whatever I do, enable me to work at it with all my heart, as working for the Lord, not for men. Colossians 3:23(NIV)
Lord, enable me to do the work of every day in its day, as the duty of the day requires, Ezra 3:4(KJV) making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil; Ephesians 5:16(NIV) that when my Lord comes, he may find me doing so. Luke 12:43(NIV)