ESV First Person Method for Prayer

Pray for Grace to Bring God’s Truth to your Memory

Petition 3.16 | ESV

To help our memory, that the truths of God may be ready to us whenever we have occasion to use them.

Lord, let your Spirit teach me all things and bring to my remembrance all that you have said to me, John 14:26(ESV) that the word of Christ may dwell richly in me in all wisdom and spiritual understanding. Colossians 3:16(ESV)

Lord, grant that I may pay much closer attention to what I have heard, lest I drift away from it; Hebrews 2:1(ESV) and may I hold fast to the word that has been preached to me, and not believe in vain. 1 Corinthians 15:2(ESV)

Lord, make me ready and competent in the Scriptures, Acts 18:24(ESV) that I may be competent, equipped for every good work; 2 Timothy 3:17(ESV) and, being well trained for the kingdom of heaven, may I, like a good master of a house, bring out of my treasure what is new and what is old. Matthew 13:52(ESV)

KJV First Person Method for Prayer

Pray for Grace to Bring God’s Truth to your Memory

Petition 3.16 | KJV

To help my memory, that the truths of God may be ready to me whenever I have occasion to use them.

Lord, let thy Spirit teach me all things and bring all things to my remembrance, whatsoever thou hast said unto me, John 14:26(KJV) that the word of Christ may dwell richly in me in all wisdom and spiritual understanding. Colossians 3:16(KJV)

Lord, grant that I may give a more earnest heed to the things which I have heard, lest at any time I let them slip, Hebrews 2:1(KJV) and may keep in memory what hath been preached to me, and may not believe in vain. 1 Corinthians 15:2(KJV)

Lord, make me ready and mighty in the Scriptures, Acts 18:24(KJV) that I may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works; 2 Timothy 3:17(KJV) and, being well instructed unto the kingdom of heaven, may I, as the good householder, bring out of my treasure things new and old. Matthew 13:52(KJV)

Method for Prayer NASB First Person

Pray for Grace to Bring God’s Truth to your Memory

Petition 3.16 | NASB

To help my memory, that the truths of God may be ready to me whenever I have occasion to use them.

Lord, let Your Spirit teach me all things and bring to my remembrance all that You have said to me, John 14:26(NASB) that the word of Christ may richly dwell within me, with all wisdom and spiritual understanding. Colossians 3:16(NASB)

Lord, grant that I may pay much closer attention to what I have heard, so that I do not drift away from it; Hebrews 2:1(NASB) and may I hold fast the word which has been preached to me, and not believe in vain. 1 Corinthians 15:2(NASB)

Lord, make me ready and mighty in the Scriptures, Acts 18:24(NASB) that I may be adequate, equipped for every good work; 2 Timothy 3:17(NASB) and, being a disciple of the kingdom of heaven, may I, like a head of a household, bring out of my treasure things new and old. Matthew 13:52 (NASB)

Method for Prayer NIV First Person

Pray for Grace to Bring God’s Truth to your Memory

Petition 3.16 | NIV

To help my memory, that the truths of God may be ready to me whenever I have occasion to use them.

Lord, let your Spirit teach me all things and remind me of everything you have said to me, John 14:26(NIV) that the word of Christ may dwell in me richly in all wisdom and spiritual understanding. Colossians 3:16(NIV)

Lord, grant that I may pay more careful attention to what I have heard, so that I do not drift away; Hebrews 2:1(NIV) and may I hold firmly to the word that has been preached to me, and not believe in vain. 1 Corinthians 15:2(NIV)

Lord, give me a thorough knowledge of the Scriptures, Acts 18:24(NIV) so that I may be thoroughly equipped for every good work; 2 Timothy 3:17(NIV) and, having been well instructed about the kingdom of heaven, may I, like a good owner of a house, bring out of my storeroom new treasures as well as old. Matthew 13:52(NIV)

ESV First Person Method for Prayer

Pray for Grace to Keep you in the Way of Truth

Petition 3.15 | ESV

To lead us into and keep us in the way of truth; and if in anything we are in error, to rectify our mistake.

Let the Spirit of truth guide me into all truth, John 16:13(ESV) and make me understand how I have gone astray. Job 6:24(ESV)

Teach me what I do not see; Job 34:32(ESV) and enable me to test everything, so as to hold fast to what is good. 1 Thessalonians 5:21(ESV)

Lord, grant that I may not be as a child, tossed to and fro and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by human cunning; rather, speaking the truth in love, may I grow up in every way into Christ, who is the head. Ephesians 4:14-15(ESV)

Lord, give me so to do your will, as that I may know that the teaching is from God; John 7:17(ESV) and so to know the truth, as that the truth may set me free, John 8:32(ESV) may set me free indeed. John 8:36(ESV)

Enable me, I pray, to follow the pattern of sound words that I have heard in the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus, 2 Timothy 1:13(ESV) and to continue in what I have learned and have firmly believed. 2 Timothy 3:14(ESV)

KJV First Person Method for Prayer

Pray for Grace to Keep you in the Way of Truth

Petition 3.15 | KJV

To lead me into and keep me in the way of truth; and if in any thing I be in an error, to rectify my mistake.

Let the Spirit of truth guide me unto all truth, John 16:13(KJV) and cause me to understand wherein I have erred. Job 6:24(KJV)

That which I see not, teach thou me; Job 34:32(KJV) and enable me to prove all things, as to hold fast that which is good. 1 Thessalonians 5:21(KJV)

Lord, grant that I may not be as a child, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine by the slight of men, but speaking the truth in love, may I grow up into Christ in all things, who is the head. Ephesians 4:14-15(KJV)

Lord, give me so to do thy will, as that I may know of the doctrine whether it be of God; John 7:17(KJV) and so to know the truth, as that the truth may make me free, John 8:32(KJV) may make me free indeed. John 8:36(KJV)

Enable me, I pray thee, to hold fast the form of sound words, which I have heard in the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus, 2 Timothy 1:13(KJV) and to continue in the things which I have learned and been assured of. 2 Timothy 3:14(KJV)

Method for Prayer NASB First Person

Pray for Grace to Keep you in the Way of Truth

Petition 3.15 | NASB

To lead me into and keep me in the way of truth; and if in anything I am in an error, to rectify my mistake.

Let the Spirit of truth guide me into all the truth, John 16:13(NASB) and show me how I have erred. Job 6:24(NASB)

Teach me what I do not see; Job 34:32(NASB) and enable me to examine everything carefully, so as to hold fast to that which is good. 1 Thessalonians 5:21(NASB)

Lord, grant that I may not be as a child, tossed here and there by waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men; but speaking the truth in love, may I grow up in all aspects into Christ, who is the head. Ephesians 4:14-15(NASB)

Lord, give me so to do Your will, as that I may know that the teaching is from God; John 7:17(NASB) and so to know the truth, as that the truth may make me free, John 8:32(NASB) may make me free indeed. John 8:36(NASB)

Enable me, I pray, to retain the standard of sound words which I have heard in the faith and love which are in Christ Jesus, 2 Timothy 1:13(NASB) and to continue in the things I have learned and become convinced of. 2 Timothy 3:14(NASB)

Method for Prayer NIV First Person

Pray for Grace to Keep you in the Way of Truth

Petition 3.15 | NIV

To lead me into and keep me in the way of truth; and if in anything I am in error, to rectify my mistake.

Let the Spirit of truth guide me into all truth, John 16:13(NIV) and show me where I have been wrong. Job 6:24(NIV)

Teach me what I cannot see; Job 34:32(NIV) and enable me to test everything, so as to hold on to the good. 1 Thessalonians 5:21(NIV)

Lord, grant that I may not be as an infant, tossed back and forth, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the craftiness of men; instead, speaking the truth in love, may I in all things grow up into Christ who is the Head. Ephesians 4:14-15(NIV)

Lord, give me so to do your will, that I may know that your teaching comes from God; John 7:17(NIV) and that I may know the truth, so that the truth may set me free, John 8:32(NIV) may set me free indeed. John 8:36(NIV)

Enable me, I pray, to keep the pattern of sound teaching, which I have heard, with faith and love in Christ Jesus, 2 Timothy 1:13(NIV) and to continue in what I have learned and have become convinced of. 2 Timothy 3:14(NIV)

KJV First Person Method for Prayer

Pray for Grace to Instruct you in the Things of God

Petition 3.14 | KJV

More particularly, I must pray for grace:

To teach and instruct me, and make me knowing and intelligent in the things of God.

Give me so to cry after knowledge and to lift up my voice for understanding, to seek for it as silver and to search for it as for hid treasure, that I may understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God. Proverbs 2:3-5(KJV)

Give all your people to know thee, from the least even to the greatest, Hebrews 8:11(KJV) and to follow on to know thee; Hosea 6:3(KJV) and so to know thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent, as may be life eternal to us. John 17:3(KJV)

Give me the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Christ, that the eyes of my understanding being enlightened, I may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints, and may experience what is the exceeding greatness of his power to those who believe, according to the working of his mighty power. Ephesians 1:17-19(KJV)

Open thou my eyes, that I may see the wondrous things of thy law and gospel. Psalm 119:18(KJV)

Give me to know the certainty of those things wherein I have been instructed; Luke 1:4(KJV) and let my knowledge grow up to all riches of the full assurance of understanding, to the acknowledgment of the mystery of God, even of the Father and of Christ. Colossians 2:2(KJV) Deal with thy servant according to thy mercy, and teach me thy statutes; I am thy servant, give me understanding, that I may know thy testimonies. Psalm 119:124-125(KJV) Let my cry come before thee, O Lord; give me understanding according to thy word, Psalm 119:169(KJV) that good understanding which they have that do thy commandments, whose praise endureth for ever. Psalm 111:10(KJV)

Method for Prayer NASB First Person

Pray for Grace to Instruct you in the Things of God

Petition 3.14 | NASB

More particularly, I must pray for grace:

To teach and instruct me, and make me knowing and intelligent in the things of God.

Give me so to cry for discernment and lift my voice for understanding, to seek for it as silver and to search for it as for hidden treasure, that I may discern the fear of the LORD and discover the knowledge of God. Proverbs 2:3-5(NASB)

Grant that all Your people might know You, from the least even to the greatest, Hebrews 8:11(NASB) and to press on to know You; Hosea 6:3(NASB) and so to know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent, that it may be eternal life to us. John 17:3(NASB)

Give to me a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of Christ, that, the eyes of my heart being enlightened, I may know what is the hope of His calling and what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and may experience what is the surpassing greatness of His power toward those who believe, in accordance with the working of the strength of His might. Ephesians 1:17-19(NASB)

Open my eyes, that I may behold wonderful things from Your law and gospel. Psalm 119:18(NASB)

Give me to know the exact truth about the things I have been taught; Luke 1:4(NASB) and let my knowledge grow up to all that wealth that comes from the full assurance of understanding, resulting in a true knowledge of God’s mystery, that is, Christ Himself. Colossians 2:2(NASB) Deal with Your servant according to Your lovingkindness, and teach me Your statutes. I am Your servant; give me understanding, that I may know Your testimonies. Psalm 119:124-125(NASB) Let my cry come before You, O LORD; give me understanding according to Your word, Psalm 119:169(NASB) that good understanding which they have who do Your commandments, whose praise endures forever. Psalm 111:10(NASB)