Method for Prayer NASB First Person

Thank God for Preserving you

Thanksgiving 4.5 | NASB

I must give thanks for my preservation; that my life is prolonged, and the use of my reason and understanding, my limbs and senses, are continued to me.

It was owing to Your good providence that I did not die at birth, and did not come forth from the womb and expire; that the knees received me, and the breasts, that I should suck. Job 3:11-12(NASB)

Though I have been called a rebel from birth, Isaiah 48:8(NASB) yet by Your power I have been borne by You from birth and carried from the womb; Isaiah 46:3(NASB) and You keep me in life and do not allow my feet to slip. Psalm 66:9(NASB)

All my bones will say, “LORD, who is like You!” Psalm 35:10(NASB) For You keep the bones, and not one of them is broken. Psalm 34:20(NASB)

I lay down and sleep, for You, LORD, make me to dwell in safety. Psalm 4:8(NASB)

You have given Your angels a charge concerning me, to guard me in all my ways; to bear me up in their hands, that I do not strike my foot against a stone. Psalm 91:11-12(NASB) And they are all ministering spirits, sent out to render service for the good of those who will inherit salvation. Hebrews 1:14(NASB)

Method for Prayer NIV First Person

Thank God for Preserving you

Thanksgiving 4.5 | NIV

I must give thanks for my preservation; that my life is prolonged, and the use of my reason and understanding, my limbs and senses, are continued to me.

It was owing to your good providence that I did not perish at birth, and die as I came from the womb; that there were knees to receive me, and breasts that I might be nursed. Job 3:11-12(NIV)

Though I was called a rebel from birth, Isaiah 48:8(NIV) yet by your power I have been upheld since my conception and carried since my birth; Isaiah 46:3(NIV) and you preserve my life and keep my feet from slipping. Psalm 66:9(NIV)

My whole being shall exclaim, “Who is like you, O LORD?” Psalm 35:10(NIV) For you protect the bones, not one of them will be broken. Psalm 34:20(NIV)

I lie down and sleep, for you, O LORD, make me to dwell in safety. Psalm 4:8(NIV)

You have commanded your angels concerning me to guard me in all my ways; to lift me up in their hands, so that I do not strike my foot against a stone. Psalm 91:11-12(NIV) And they are all ministering spirits sent to serve for the good of those who will inherit salvation. Hebrews 1:14(NIV)

ESV First Person Method for Prayer

Thank God for Preserving you

Thanksgiving 4.5 | ESV

We must give thanks for our preservation; that our lives are prolonged and the use of our reason and understanding, our limbs and senses, are continued to us.

It was owing to your good providence that I did not die at birth, and did not come out from the womb and expire; that the knees received me, and the breasts, that I should nurse. Job 3:11-12(ESV)

Though before birth I was called a rebel, Isaiah 48:8(ESV) yet by your power I have been borne by you from before my birth and carried from the womb; Isaiah 46:3(ESV) and you keep my soul among the living and have not let my foot slip. Psalm 66:9(ESV)

All my bones shall say, “O LORD, who is like you!” Psalm 35:10(ESV) For you keep the bones, and not one of them is broken. Psalm 34:20(ESV)

I lay down and sleep, for you, LORD, make me to dwell in safety. Psalm 4:8(ESV)

You have commanded your angels concerning me, to guard me in all my ways; to bear me up in their hands, lest I strike my foot against a stone. Psalm 91:11-12(ESV) And they are all ministering spirits, sent out to serve for the good of those who are to inherit salvation. Hebrews 1:14(ESV)

KJV First Person Method for Prayer

Thank God for Preserving you

Thanksgiving 4.5 | KJV

I must give thanks for my preservation; that my life is prolonged, and the use of my reason and understanding, my limbs and senses, are continued to me.

It was owing to thy good providence that I died not from the womb, and did not give up the ghost when I came out of the belly; that the knees prevented me, and the breasts that I should suck. Job 3:11-12(KJV)

Though I was called a transgressor from the womb, Isaiah 48:8(KJV) yet by thy power I have been borne from the belly and carried from the womb; Isaiah 46:3(KJV) and thou holdest my soul in life and sufferest not my foot to be moved. Psalm 66:9(KJV)

All my bones shall say, Lord, who is like unto thee! Psalm 35:10(KJV) for thou keepest the bones, and not one of them is broken. Psalm 34:20(KJV)

I lay me down and sleep, for thou, Lord, makest me to dwell in safety. Psalm 4:8(KJV)

Thou hast given thine angels a charge concerning me, to keep me in all my ways; to bear me up in their hands, lest I dash my foot against a stone. Psalm 91:11-12(KJV) And they are all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for the good of them that shall be heirs of salvation. Hebrews 1:14(KJV)

ESV First Person Method for Prayer

Thank God for Making you in His Image

Thanksgiving 4.4 | ESV

Secondly, With reference to ourselves in particular.

We must give thanks that he has made us reasonable creatures, capable of knowing, loving, serving, and enjoying him, and that he has not made us like the beasts that perish.

We praise you, for we are fearfully and wonderfully made; and that our souls, our nobler part, know very well; Psalm 139:14(ESV) for no man knows a person’s thoughts except the spirit of that person, which is in him. 1 Corinthians 2:11(ESV)

You have made us of that rank of beings which is a little lower than the heavenly beings and is crowned with glory and honor; Psalm 8:5(ESV) for it is the spirit in man, the breath of the Almighty, that makes him understand; Job 32:8(ESV) and the spirit of a man is the lamp of the LORD. Proverbs 20:27(ESV)

Our bodies are capable of being the temples of the Holy Spirit, 1 Corinthians 6:19(ESV) and our souls of having the Spirit of God dwell in them; 1 Corinthians 3:16(ESV) we therefore glorify you with our bodies and with our spirits, which are both yours. 1 Corinthians 6:20(KJV)

You, Lord, have formed us for yourself, that we might declare your praise. Isaiah 43:21(ESV)

KJV First Person Method for Prayer

Thank God for Making you in His Image

Thanksgiving 4.4 | KJV

2dly, With reference to myself in particular.

I must give thanks that he has made me a reasonable creature, capable of knowing, loving, serving, and enjoying him, and that he hath not made me like the beasts that perish.

I will praise thee, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made, and that my soul, my nobler part, knows right well; Psalm 139:14(KJV) for no man knows the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him. 1 Corinthians 2:11(KJV)

Thou hast made me of that rank of beings which is a little lower than the angels and is crowned with glory and honour; Psalm 8:5(KJV) for there is a spirit in man, and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding, Job 32:8(KJV) and the spirit of a man is the candle of the Lord. Proverbs 20:27(KJV)

My body is capable of being the temple of the Holy Ghost, 1 Corinthians 6:19(KJV) and my soul of having the Spirit of God dwell in it; 1 Corinthians 3:16(KJV) I therefore glorify thee with my body and with my spirit, which are both thine. 1 Corinthians 6:20(KJV)

Thou, Lord, hast formed me for thyself, that I might shew forth thy praise. Isaiah 43:21(KJV)

Method for Prayer NASB First Person

Thank God for Making you in His Image

2dly, With reference to myself in particular.

I must give thanks that He has made me a reasonable creature, capable of knowing, loving, serving, and enjoying Him, and that He has not made me like the beasts that perish.

I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made, and that my soul, my nobler part, knows very well; Psalm 139:14(NASB) for no man knows the thoughts of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him. 1 Corinthians 2:11(NASB)

You have made me of that rank of beings which is a little lower than God and is crowned with glory and majesty; Psalm 8:5(NASB) for there is a spirit in man, and the breath of the Almighty gives him understanding; Job 32:8(NASB) and the spirit of a man is the lamp of the LORD. Proverbs 20:27(NASB)

My body is capable of being the temple of the Holy Spirit, 1 Corinthians 6:19(NASB) and my soul of having the Spirit of God dwell in it; 1 Corinthians 3:16(NASB) I therefore glorify You with my body and with my spirit, which are both Yours. 1 Corinthians 6:20(KJV)

You, Lord, have formed me for Yourself, that I might declare Your praise. Isaiah 43:21(NASB)

Method for Prayer NIV First Person

Thank God for Making you in His Image

Thanksgiving 4.4 | NIV

2dly, With reference to myself in particular.

I must give thanks that he has made me a reasonable creature, capable of knowing, loving, serving, and enjoying him, and that he has not made me like the beasts that perish.

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made, and my soul, my nobler part, knows that full well; Psalm 139:14(NIV) for no one knows the thoughts of a man except the man’s spirit within him. 1 Corinthians 2:11(NIV)

You have made me of that rank of beings which is a little lower than the heavenly beings and is crowned with glory and honor; Psalm 8:5(NIV) for it is the spirit in a man, the breath of the Almighty, that gives him understanding; Job 32:8(NIV) and the spirit of man is the LORD’s lamp. Proverbs 20:27(NIV)

My body is capable of being the temple of the Holy Spirit, 1 Corinthians 6:19(NIV) and my soul of having God’s Spirit live in it; 1 Corinthians 3:16(NIV) I therefore honor you with my body and with my spirit, which are yours. 1 Corinthians 6:20(KJV)

You, Lord, have formed me for yourself that I might proclaim your praise. Isaiah 43:21(NIV)

ESV First Person Method for Prayer

Thank God for the Many Instances of His Goodness and Kind Providence (continued)

Thanksgiving 4.3 | ESV

The heavens are the LORD’s heavens, but the earth you have given to the children of man; Psalm 115:16(ESV) and you have put all things under their feet, and given them dominion over the works of your hands; Psalm 8:6(ESV) so that the fear of man and the dread of man is upon every beast of the earth and upon the birds of the heavens, and into his hand they are delivered; Genesis 9:2(ESV) because you had a favor to him and delighted in the children of man. Proverbs 8:31(ESV)

You cause the grass to grow for the livestock and plants for man to cultivate, that you may bring forth food from the earth and wine to gladden the heart of man, oil to make his face shine, and bread to strengthen his heart. Psalm 104:14-15(ESV)

You give to all life and breath and everything; Acts 17:25(ESV) and the earth, O LORD, is full of your steadfast love. Psalm 119:64(ESV)

All the creatures look to you, to give them their food in due season. When you give it to them, they gather it up; when you open your hand, they are filled with good things. Psalm 104:27-28(ESV) When you send forth your Spirit, they are created, and you renew the face of the ground. This, your glory, shall endure forever, and you rejoice in these works. Psalm 104:30-31(ESV)

It is through your goodness, O Lord, that as one generation of mankind goes, another generation comes; Ecclesiastes 1:4(ESV) and that you have not blotted out the name of that corrupt and guilty race from under heaven. Deuteronomy 29:20(ESV)

KJV First Person Method for Prayer

Thank God for the Many Instances of His Goodness and Kind Providence (continued)

Thanksgiving 4.3 | KJV

The heaven, even the heavens, are thine: but the earth thou hast given to the children of men; Psalm 115:16(KJV) and thou hast put all things under their feet, and made them to have dominion over the works of thy hands; Psalm 8:6(KJV) so that the fear of man and the dread of man is upon every beast of the earth and upon the fowl of the air, and into his hand they are delivered; Genesis 9:2(KJV) because thou hadst a favour to him, and thy delights were with the sons of men. Proverbs 8:31(KJV)

Thou causest the grass to grow for the cattle, and herb for the service of man: that thou mayest bring forth food out of the earth; wine that makes glad the heart of man, and oil to make his face to shine, and bread which strengthens man’s heart. Psalm 104:14-15(KJV)

Thou givest to all life and breath and all things; Acts 17:25(KJV) and the earth, O Lord, is full of thy mercy. Psalm 119:64(KJV)

All the creatures wait upon thee, that thou mayest give them their meat in due season; that thou givest them, they gather; thou openest thy hand, they are filled with good; Psalm 104:27-28(KJV) thou sendest forth thy Spirit, they are created; thou renewest the face of the earth. This thy glory shall endure for ever, and thou rejoicest in these works. Psalm 104:30-31(KJV)

It is through thy goodness, O Lord, that as one generation of mankind passeth away, another generation comes; Ecclesiastes 1:4(KJV) and that thou hast not blotted out the name of that corrupt and guilty race from under heaven. Deuteronomy 29:20(KJV)