A Method for Prayer  | Section 9 |  Short Forms of Prayer


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Section 1 | Adoration

Section 2 | Confession

Section 3 | Petition

3.0 Introduction to Petition
3.1 Earnestly Pray for the Forgiveness of your Sins
3.2 Plead with God His Goodness and Readiness to Forgive Sin
3.3 Plead with God the Merit and Righteousness of Jesus Christ
3.4 Plead with God His Promises of Pardon
3.5 Plead with God your Misery Because of Sin, Along with the Blessed Condition of Pardoned Sinners
3.6 Pray for Reconciliation with God that you may Know His Peace
3.7 Pray for Reconciliation with God that you may be in Covenant with Him and Know His Favor
3.8 Pray for Reconciliation with God that you may Have His Blessing and Abiding Presence
3.9 Pray for a Sense of Assurance
3.10 Pray for a Well-Grounded Peace of Conscience
3.11 Pray for God’s Grace to Fortify you Against Everything Evil
3.12 Pray for God’s Grace to Fortify you Against Satan’s Temptations
3.13 Pray for God’s Grace to Equip you for Everything Good and to Beget and Sustain New Life
3.14 Pray for Grace to Instruct you in the Things of God
3.15 Pray for Grace to Keep you in the Way of Truth
3.16 Pray for Grace to Bring God’s Truth to your Memory
3.17 Pray for Grace to Direct your Conscience and Make you Wise
3.18 Pray for Grace to Sanctify your Nature
3.19 Pray for Faith
3.20 Pray for the Fear of God and for the Love of God to be Rooted in you
3.21 Pray for a Tender Conscience and God-Wrought Love
3.22 Pray for the Grace of Self-Denial and Humility
3.23 Pray for the Graces of Contentment and Patience
3.24 Pray for the Grace of Hope
3.25 Pray for Grace to Preserve you from Sin
3.26 Pray for Grace to Govern your Tongue
3.27 Pray for Grace to Direct, Quicken, Strengthen, and Assist you that you may Walk Wisely
3.28 Pray for Grace to Assist you that you may be Honest in your Duty
3.29 Pray for Grace to Assist you that you may be Diligent in your Duty
3.30 Pray for Grace to Assist you that you may be Courageous in your Duty
3.31 Pray for Grace to Assist you that you may be Cheerful in your Duty
3.32 Pray for Grace to Assist you that you may do your Duty Always and Everywhere
3.33 Pray for Grace to Assist you that you may be Universally Conscientious
3.34 Pray for Grace to Make you Wiser and Better Every Day
3.35 Pray for the Support and Comfort you Need in your Afflictions
3.36 Pray for Preserving Grace
3.37 Pray for the Grace Needed to Die Well
3.38 Pray for Grace to Fit you for Heaven
3.39 Pray for the Good Things of Life and Preservation in Calamities
3.40 Pray for Daily Supplies of Comfort and Support
3.41 Plead the Promises of God for the Enforcing of your Petitions

Section 4 | Thanksgiving

4.0 Introduction and Exhortation to Stir Yourself Up to Praise God
4.1 Be Particular in your Thanks to God, Marvel at His Good Nature and Kind Providence
4.2 Thank God for the Many Instances of His Goodness and Kind Providence
4.3 Thank God for the Many Instances of His Goodness and Kind Providence (continued)
4.4 Thank God for Making you in His Image
4.5 Thank God for Preserving you
4.6 Thank God for Granting you Recovery from Danger
4.7 Thank God for the Supports and Comforts of this Life
4.8 Thank God for your Successes and Good Relationships
4.9 Thank God for the Measure of Peace you Experience
4.10 Thank God for His Grace to your Soul and for Designing Man’s Redemption and Salvation
4.11 Thank God for His Eternal Purposes and Counsels Concerning Man’s Redemption
4.12 Thank God for the Appointing of the Redeemer and His Gracious Condescension
4.13 Thank God for the Early Indication of His Gracious Design
4.14 Thank God for the Many Glorious Instances of His Favor to the Old Testament Church
4.15 Thank God for the Wonderful Incarnation of the Son of God
4.16 Thank God for His Gracious Owning of Christ in His Undertaking
4.17 Thank God for Christ’s Holy Life, Excellent Doctrine, and Glorious Miracles
4.18 Thank God for the Great Encouragement Christ Gave to Poor Sinners to Come to Him
4.19 Thank God for the Cross of Christ and All Its Benefits
4.20 Thank God for the Cross of Christ and All Its Benefits (continued)
4.21 Thank God for Christ’s Resurrection
4.22 Thank God for Christ’s Ascension into Heaven
4.23 Thank God for Christ’s Intercession
4.24 Thank God for the Dominion and Sovereignty to which the Redeemer has been Exalted
4.25 Thank God for the Assurance you have of Christ’s Second Coming
4.26 Thank God for the Sending of the Holy Spirit
4.27 Thank God for the Covenant of Grace
4.28 Thank God for the Scriptures
4.29 Thank God for the Ministry and Other Ordinances
4.30 Thank God for Planting His Church in the World
4.31 Thank God for the Preservation of Christianity in the World to this Day
4.32 Thank God for the Martyrs and Confessors who have Gone Before you
4.33 Thank God for the Communion of Saints
4.34 Thank God for the Hope of Eternal Life and for the Work of the Spirit within you
4.35 Thank God for Every Spirit-Wrought Inward Change
4.36 Thank God for the Remission of Sins and Peace of Conscience
4.37 Thank God for the Powerful Influences of Divine Grace
4.38 Thank God for Sweet Communion with Him in Holy Ordinances
4.39 Thank God for Gracious Answers to your Prayers
4.40 Thank God for Support Under your Afflictions
4.41 Thank God for the Performance of His Promises

Section 5 | Intercession

Section 6 | Conclusion

Section 7 | Lord's Prayer

Section 8 | Occasional Addresses

Section 9 | Short Forms of Prayer

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