A Method for Prayer | Section 8 | Occasional Addresses
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SECTION 8 | Occasional Addresses | 8.7 | Morning of the Lord’s Day
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We bless thee, Lord, who hath shewed us light; Psalm 118:27(KJV) and that the light we see is the Lord’s; Isaiah 2:5(KJV) that we see one more of the days of the Son of man, Luke 17:22(KJV) a day to be spent in thy courts, which is better than a thousand elsewhere. Psalm 84:10(KJV)
We thank thee, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that the things which were hid from the wise and prudent are revealed unto us babes, even so, Father, because it seemed good in thine eyes: That our eyes see, and our ears hear, that which many prophets and kings desired to see, desired to hear and might not: Luke 10:21-24(KJV) that life and immortality are brought to light by the gospel. 2 Timothy 1:10(KJV)
And now, O that we may be in the Spirit on the Lord’s Day! Revelation 1:10(KJV) That we may call the sabbath a delight Isaiah 58:13(KJV) and may honour the Son of man, who is the Lord also of the sabbath-day, Mark 2:28(KJV) not doing our own ways, or finding our own pleasure, or speaking our own words.
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