6.4 | Conclude with Solemn Praises of God
A Method for Prayer | Section 6 | Conclusion Adjust Font Size I may conclude all with doxologies or solemn praises of God, ascribing honor
A Method for Prayer | Section 6 | Conclusion Adjust Font Size I may conclude all with doxologies or solemn praises of God, ascribing honor
A Method for Prayer | Section 4 | Thanksgiving Adjust Font Size For the planting of the Christian religion in the world and the setting
A Method for Prayer | Section 4 | Thanksgiving Adjust Font Size For the dominion and sovereignty to which the Redeemer has been exalted. Read
A Method for Prayer | Section 4 | Thanksgiving Adjust Font Size For his holy life, his excellent doctrine, and the glorious miracles he wrought
A Method for Prayer | Section 4 | Thanksgiving Adjust Font Size For God’s gracious owning of him in his undertaking, and in the carrying
A Method for Prayer | Section 1 | Adoration Adjust Font Size That His sovereignty is incontestable, and He is the owner and absolute Lord