6.4 | Conclude with Solemn Praises of God
A Method for Prayer | Section 6 | Conclusion Adjust Font Size I may conclude all with doxologies or solemn praises of God, ascribing honor
A Method for Prayer | Section 6 | Conclusion Adjust Font Size I may conclude all with doxologies or solemn praises of God, ascribing honor
A Method for Prayer | Section 5 | Intercession Adjust Font Size For the safe and righteous continuation of our civil government, that a blessing
A Method for Prayer | Section 4 | Thanksgiving Adjust Font Size For his ascension into heaven, and his sitting at God’s right hand there.
A Method for Prayer | Section 1 | Adoration Adjust Font Size I must acknowledge his Being to be unquestionable and past dispute. Read Translations
A Method for Prayer | Section 1 | Adoration Adjust Font Size I must reverently adore God, as a Being transcendently bright and blessed, self-existent
A Method for Prayer | Section 1 | Adoration Adjust Font Size Having thus engaged my heart to approach God I must solemnly address myself